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Writer's picturePs. Michelle Nunn


4 I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. 5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began. John 17: 4-5 NIV

Well, it's well past 10pm as I write this at the end of another busy day. I've covered a lot of ground, got a lot done, but it is the end of the day and my to do list still has some items unchecked to carry over in to tomorrow, which may well be your today. In John 17 Jesus says he has brought Father God glory by finishing the work he was given to do. This is an amazing statement, prophetic, as Jesus is yet to give his life on the cross and declare 'It is finished!' But utterly amazing, Jesus died knowing he had completely fulfilled the purposes of his incarnation and life on earth, and in so doing had glorified God.

For each us there will be an ending, a time when our early lives, like Jesus are complete. The question is will we have that same sense of rest that Jesus had, knowing we have glorified the Father by completing the assignments given us, and a sense that we have fulfilled our purposes as God's created one and child.

10 For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2: 10

As we finish our lent reflections and prepare our hearts for Easter weekend, may we take a little time to ask God about the assignments given to us? Every one of us in Christ is God's creation, and each one us has a part to play in God's redemptive plan. Easter is a good time to commit again, to fulfilling God's plans and purposes in the redemption of creation, and not getting consumed by the cares of the world.

Lent Prayer

Father God, this Easter we are reminded again of Jesus' passion and Your redemptive plan. Thank You that you are redeeming and reconciling all creation unto You. Help us to recognise our holy assignments and not get lost in the busyness and competing purposes of the world as we seek to complete your purposes for us. May we like Jesus get a sense of fulfilment and completion bringing glory to You through our lives. Amen.

Have a blessed day, hope to see you on Nantwich Square at 11 am for our Good Friday Witness with the other churches, followed by refreshments and hot cross buns in the parish hall.

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