15 I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love towards all the saints, and for this reason 16 I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.
Ephesians 1: 15 NRSVA
In his letter to believers the Apostle Paul effervesces about the life of Christ, expressing the centrality of Christ in God's purposes, and sharing how we can conduct ourselves, with the Holy Spirits help as we participate in Christ's family the Church, as God's children.
In the verse above Paul shares how thankful he is. How grateful he is when he hears of each believers faith in Jesus. Having made Jesus Lord he recognises there has been a transformation in each of them, that causes them to express that faith in love to the saints (believers) and he is excited and grateful for this. Paul understands what salvation means and he knows the preciousness of unity in God's family.
I wonder whether we too should be cultivating greater gratitude in our hearts for one another. How often have we been blessed by the faith and love of other believers who fellowship and stand with us in prayer and the practicalities of life. Today, have a think about the different ways your Christian brothers and sisters have supported and blessed you perhaps by sharing their faith, praying for you or helping with a practical need. Give thanks for them and others. And help us not to forget the challenge of Paul's example who is unceasing in his thanks as he prayers for the believers.
Lent Prayer
Father, we thank you for the challenge of Your words today, as we see Paul's excitement and gratitude for others who are saved and live in ways that express faith through love. Help us to express our faith through love and be grateful for those whose love has helped us. Today we want to thank you for all the believers around the world, help all believers to grow in faith and the expression of faith in love and our witness. Help us to be grateful for others and the salvation they have received through Jesus Christ our Lord and the empowering of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.